Gas powered absorption heat pump GAHP-A is designed for high efficiency heating and domestic hot water production. Advantages Up to 39% utilisation of air- source renewable energy. Designed to exceed peak efficiency (G.U.E. - Gas Utilization Efficiency) of 164%. It ensures efficiency levels in e...
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GAHP-A - takes heat from Air and gives it to Water for heating or domestic hot water production
GAHP-A STANDARD Maximum outlet water temperature for heating/DHW 65/70°C, heating capacity 41.3 kW (A7/W35), G.U.E. gas utilization efficiency 164% (A7/W35), A+ energy class ErP on 55°C operation, gas (G20) consumption 2.67 m³/h, electrical power consumption 0.84 kW, sound pressure level (at 5 m distance) 57.6 dB(A), water connection 1¼", electrical degree of protection IP X5D, weight 390 kg, outside working temperature -15°C/+40°C, can be ordered with special winter kit for operation on lower temperature down to -30°C
Maximum outlet water temperature for heating/DHW 65/70°C, heating capacity 41.3 kW (A7/W35), G.U.E. gas utilization efficiency 164% (A7/W35), A+ energy class ErP on 55°C operation, gas (G20) consumption 2.67 m³/h, electrical power consumption 0.84 kW, sound pressure level (at 5 m distance) 57.6 dB(A), water connection 1¼", electrical degree of protection IP X5D, weight 390 kg, outside working temperature -15°C/+40°C, can be ordered with special winter kit for operation on lower temperature down to -30°C
GAHP-A LOW-NOISE Maximum outlet water temperature for heating/DHW 65/70°C, heating capacity 41.3 kW (A7/W35), G.U.E. gas utilization efficiency 164% (A7/W35), A+ energy class ErP on 55°C operation, gas (G20) consumption 2.67 m³/h, electrical power consumption while fan working on min/max speed 0.50/0.77 kW, sound pressure level while fan working on min/max speed (at 5 m distance) 49/52 dB(A), water connection 1¼", electrical degree of protection IP X5D, weight 400 kg, outside working temperature -15°C/+40°C, can be ordered with special winter kit for operation on lower temperature down to -30°C
Maximum outlet water temperature for heating/DHW 65/70°C, heating capacity 41.3 kW (A7/W35), G.U.E. gas utilization efficiency 164% (A7/W35), A+ energy class ErP on 55°C operation, gas (G20) consumption 2.67 m³/h, electrical power consumption while fan working on min/max speed 0.50/0.77 kW, sound pressure level while fan working on min/max speed (at 5 m distance) 49/52 dB(A), water connection 1¼", electrical degree of protection IP X5D, weight 400 kg, outside working temperature -15°C/+40°C, can be ordered with special winter kit for operation on lower temperature down to -30°C
Select the product model:

Heating capacity [kW]

Water delivery temperature
Outside air temperature-30°C The performance of the GAHP-A unit with winter kit for temperatures below -20°C to -30°C remains constant, therefore in this temperature range the same heating capacity of -20°C must be considered With Winter Kit
-20°C 33,9 31,5 29,6 27,7 25,7 23,7 22,7 9,3
-19°C 34,1 31,8 29,9 28,0 26,0 23,9 22,9 9,5
-18°C 34,4 32,0 30,1 28,2 26,2 24,2 23,2 9,6
-17°C 34,6 32,3 30,4 28,5 26,5 24,4 23,4 9,7
-16°C 34,9 32,5 30,6 28,7 26,7 24,7 23,7 9,8
-15°C 35,2 32,8 30,9 29,0 27,0 24,9 23,9 10,0
-14°C 35,4 33,0 31,1 29,2 27,2 25,2 24,2 10,1
-13°C 35,6 33,3 31,4 29,5 27,5 25,5 24,4 10,2
-12°C 35,9 33,5 31,6 29,7 27,7 25,7 24,7 10,3
-11°C 36,1 33,8 31,9 30,0 28,0 26,0 24,9 10,5
-10°C 36,4 34,0 32,1 30,2 28,2 26,2 25,2 10,6
-9°C 37,2 35,0 32,9 30,8 28,7 26,6 25,4 10,7
-8°C 37,9 36,0 33,7 31,4 29,2 27,0 25,5 10,8
-7°C 38,7 37,0 34,5 32,0 29,7 27,5 25,7 11,0
-6°C 39,5 37,4 34,9 32,4 30,2 28,0 26,1 11,0
-5°C 40,3 37,7 35,2 32,7 30,6 28,5 26,4 11,1
-4°C 40,4 38,1 35,6 33,1 31,0 29,0 26,8 11,1
-3°C 40,5 38,5 35,9 33,4 31,4 29,5 27,1 11,2
-2°C 40,6 38,8 36,3 33,8 31,9 30,0 27,5 11,2
-1°C 40,8 39,0 36,7 34,4 32,3 30,1 27,8 11,3
0°C 40,8 39,2 37,1 35,1 32,7 30,3 28,2 11,3
1°C 40,9 39,4 37,6 35,8 33,1 30,4 28,6 11,4
2°C 40,9 39,6 38,0 36,5 33,5 30,5 29,0 11,5
3°C 41,1 39,7 38,3 36,8 33,9 31,0 29,4 11,6
4°C 41,2 39,8 38,5 37,2 34,4 31,5 29,8 11,7
5°C 41,3 40,0 38,8 37,5 34,8 32,0 30,2 11,8
6°C 41,3 40,1 39,0 37,9 35,2 32,5 30,7 11,9
7°C 41,3 40,2 39,3 38,3 35,7 33,0 31,1 12,0
8°C 41,3 40,4 39,4 38,5 36,0 33,5 31,6 12,1
9°C 41,3 40,5 39,6 38,7 36,3 34,0 32,0 12,3
10°C 41,3 40,6 39,8 38,9 36,6 34,4 32,5 12,4
11°C 41,4 40,8 39,9 39,0 37,0 34,9 33,0 12,5
12°C 41,4 40,9 40,1 39,2 37,3 35,4 33,4 12,7
13°C 41,5 41,0 40,2 39,4 37,6 35,8 33,9 12,8
14°C 41,5 41,2 40,4 39,6 38,0 36,3 34,3 13,0
15°C 41,6 41,3 40,6 39,8 38,3 36,8 34,8 13,1

Gas Utilization Efficiency [GUE]

Water delivery temperature
Outside air temperature-30°C The performance of the GAHP-A unit with winter kit for temperatures below -20°C to -30°C remains constant, therefore in this temperature range the same GUE of -20°C must be considered With Winter Kit
-20°C 1,344 1,250 1,175 1,100 1,020 0,940 0,900 0,740
-19°C 1,354 1,260 1,185 1,110 1,030 0,950 0,910 0,750
-18°C 1,364 1,270 1,195 1,120 1,040 0,960 0,920 0,760
-17°C 1,375 1,280 1,205 1,130 1,050 0,970 0,930 0,770
-16°C 1,385 1,290 1,215 1,140 1,060 0,980 0,940 0,780
-15°C 1,395 1,300 1,225 1,150 1,070 0,990 0,950 0,790
-14°C 1,405 1,310 1,235 1,160 1,080 1,000 0,960 0,800
-13°C 1,414 1,320 1,245 1,170 1,090 1,010 0,970 0,810
-12°C 1,424 1,330 1,255 1,180 1,100 1,020 0,980 0,820
-11°C 1,433 1,340 1,265 1,190 1,110 1,030 0,990 0,830
-10°C 1,443 1,350 1,275 1,200 1,120 1,040 1,000 0,840
-9°C 1,474 1,390 1,307 1,223 1,140 1,057 1,007 0,850
-8°C 1,506 1,430 1,338 1,247 1,160 1,073 1,013 0,860
-7°C 1,537 1,470 1,370 1,270 1,180 1,090 1,020 0,870
-6°C 1,569 1,484 1,384 1,284 1,197 1,110 1,034 0,874
-5°C 1,600 1,498 1,398 1,298 1,214 1,130 1,048 0,878
-4°C 1,604 1,512 1,412 1,312 1,231 1,150 1,062 0,882
-3°C 1,608 1,526 1,426 1,326 1,248 1,170 1,076 0,886
-2°C 1,612 1,540 1,440 1,340 1,265 1,190 1,090 0,890
-1°C 1,618 1,547 1,457 1,366 1,281 1,195 1,105 0,895
0°C 1,620 1,555 1,474 1,393 1,297 1,201 1,120 0,900
1°C 1,622 1,562 1,491 1,420 1,314 1,206 1,135 0,905
2°C 1,624 1,570 1,509 1,448 1,330 1,212 1,150 0,910
3°C 1,630 1,575 1,519 1,462 1,347 1,231 1,166 0,918
4°C 1,636 1,581 1,528 1,476 1,363 1,251 1,183 0,926
5°C 1,640 1,586 1,538 1,490 1,380 1,270 1,200 0,934
6°C 1,640 1,591 1,548 1,504 1,397 1,291 1,218 0,942
7°C 1,640 1,597 1,558 1,519 1,415 1,311 1,236 0,950
8°C 1,640 1,602 1,565 1,527 1,428 1,329 1,254 0,961
9°C 1,640 1,607 1,571 1,534 1,441 1,348 1,272 0,973
10°C 1,640 1,613 1,578 1,542 1,454 1,367 1,290 0,984
11°C 1,642 1,618 1,584 1,549 1,467 1,385 1,308 0,995
12°C 1,644 1,624 1,590 1,557 1,480 1,404 1,326 1,006
13°C 1,646 1,629 1,597 1,565 1,494 1,423 1,344 1,018
14°C 1,648 1,634 1,603 1,572 1,507 1,441 1,362 1,029
15°C 1,650 1,640 1,610 1,580 1,520 1,460 1,380 1,040

Gas powered absorption heat pump GAHP-A is designed for high efficiency heating and domestic hot water production.


  • Up to 39% utilisation of air- source renewable energy. Designed to exceed peak efficiency (G.U.E. - Gas Utilization Efficiency) of 164%. It ensures efficiency levels in excess of 154% even at -7 °C, so it is also used in especially cold climates. It thus avoids activating back-up systems (boilers and electrical heaters), reducing the seasonal performance coefficients and hence increase consumption.
  • It is a super-efficient solution for domestic hot water production.
  • It increases the total efficiency of the heating system when it is combined or integrated with boilers with a lower energy performance.
  • It provides up to 40% of running cost savings if compared with the best condensing boilers.
  • It enhances the energy qualification of buildings with the consequent increase in the value of the building.
  • It is eligible for national and local incentive programs all over Europe.
  • With a GAHP-A, every year 4.4 Tons of CO2 emissions are saved, which are equivalent to those absorbed by 625 trees or those produced by 2 green cars; every year 2 Tons of Oil Equivalent are saved. Moreover, Robur GAHP-A uses natural refrigerants not subject to normal constraints and phase-out (F-Gas Regulation exempt).


  • Ideal for heating and domestic hot water production for buildings with high gas/LPG consumption, either with low or high temperature systems.
  • For outdoor installation


  • Available in standard or lownoise version.
  • Available also in:
    • pre-assembled units for higher capacity, combined with Robur chillers and/or boilers;
    • integrated outdoor package with condensing boiler Gitié AHAY.
GAHP-A gas absorption heat pump Air/Water
Manuals 7.4 MB
Declarations of conformity 5.7 MB
Catalogue 3.5 MB
Heating capacity tables 974 KB
BIM objects 13.8 MB
Comfort Control Interface installation and use manual 798 KB
Multiple preassembled groups (Link) installation, user and maintenance manual 15 MB
DDC control panel
Manuals 1.8 MB
Brochures 795 KB
MODBUS protocol for connection to BMS 690 KB
RB100 (Robur Box 100) control interface
Manuals 3.1 MB
RB200 (Robur Box 200) control interface
Manuals 3.1 MB